More than a song...
A movement!
Watch the official Choose Love Video!
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Listen to the song right here.
Post-Event Celebration!
CHOOSE LOVE was everywhere!
Sheriff Dave Drew, Jill, Police Chief Rex Mueller, Laura, and Mayor Bob Scott
at the Choose Love Community Event
Start a movement in YOUR community!
Here's how!
Choose Love Principles
Love is a choice we are all free to make, and it always makes a difference.
√ Honor
Love is showing honor to others by placing a high regard on their feelings, wishes, rights and traditions.
√ Kindness and Compassion
Love chooses to believe the best in others and celebrates our differences through kindness and compassion.
√ Respect
Loving others means respectfully agreeing to disagree, being willing to forgive, listen and be considerate toward others.
√ Healing
Love is what is needed to heal our communities and our nation, one act of love at a time.