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Seasons of Purpose

Writer's picture: Jill MillerJill Miller

You could say that I’m a purpose “junkie!” Ever since I read Rick Warren’s book, “The Purpose Driven Life,” I have been on a passion-filled journey to fulfill the purpose God has for me and to encourage and inspire others to do the same.


Our ultimate purpose is to glorify God, and we do that best when we live out our individual calling. You've no doubt heard the saying, "Go big or go home." But I believe we are called to GO BIG UNTIL WE GO HOME! We are created on purpose, for a purpose, and it's up to us to discover and live out that unique purpose.

But as I’ve spoken on this topic and spent time coaching others, I have been amazed that so many of us don’t have a clue what our purpose really is.


This made me really sad. And since I am so jazzed up about purpose, this realization led me to develope an online course called, “Writing the Song of Your Life.” The premise behind it is to imagine that you’re sitting on the deck having a cookout with your friends, and the song of your life is playing on the radio. Your life is a song, and it’s playing for the world to hear.


As you listen to it playing, do you want to turn it up or turn it off? Are you singing the unique song God has given YOU to sing? In other words, are you living out the purpose God has for YOU?


It’s a unique way to look at purpose. If you’re more of a movie buff, take a step back and imagine your life is playing out before you in a movie. How does it make you feel as you watch it?


The thing about purpose is we have to be very intentional about living it out. It doesn’t always come naturally, especially when so often we’ve never really thought about it. Many of us have chosen our professions based on reasons that include family dynamics and traditions, what’s “expected” of us, or what can contribute the most financially to our family.


Great reasons, and I get it; but I would challenge you to take a moment and ask yourself the very hard, very honest question: Am I glorifying God in how I’m living my life?


I feel incredibly blessed because I knew the first time I read Rick’s book that I was called to do music. There was absolutely NO doubt in my mind. Getting to the point that I could follow my calling and do it full-time, however, took much longer than I expected and required a huge amount of trust.


And hear me very clearly, I’m not saying that you have to quit your job in order to follow your purpose. You may be exactly where God wants you to be vocationally, but perhaps there are ways He is calling you to pour into the world outside of the workplace.


My online course has four simple steps that I want to lay out as ideas for you to ponder.


The first step I encourage you to take is simply take a minute to listen. Listen to your heart. Are you in the sweet spot where God has called you to be? Is there “something” missing in your walk with God? Do you feel a tugging at your heart to do something out of your comfort zone?


The second step is to tap into your creativity. Before you say that you aren’t creative, remember that you are created in the image of God, the CREATOR! Of course you are creative. And you may think it’s only useful in creative professions, but it’s needed in EVERY profession. Research has proven that when we tap into our creativity, we become better problem solvers, we are more connected to our community, we have better self-awareness and expression, it increases and renews brain function, and it’s also a stress reliever. Whew! Creativity is definitely important!


The third step is to listen to your inspiration. Most of the time, our purpose is related to those things that inspire us. Stories that move us to tears. Movies that tug at our heart strings. People around us who inspire us by the way they live their lives. Activities we used to do where time just flew by. For me, songs have always been a source of inspiration. What inspires you, my friend?


The final step in my online course is to take risks. This is the fun part! This is where we start dipping our toes into something different. Or if you’re just a little on the crazy side like me, you quit your “real job” and follow your purpose full-time! I have no idea what that looks like for you, but I know the Holy Spirit will guide you every step of the way.


Let me close with a very personal story.


I’ve been walking in my purpose and doing music full-time since 2005, two months after John and I got married. It’s been hard, beautiful, satisfying, frustrating…all the things. Yet I have never doubted for a minute on this up-and-down journey that this is how God is calling me to glorify Him.


This last summer I took time off from my music. I was a little burnt out, and I also had lots of things happening in my family. It felt like the thing to do for that season.


Until recently.


I felt a sadness in my spirt that I could not put my finger on. I just feel blah. There have been lots of joyous things to celebrate in my life, including a wedding, a new baby, family get-togethers, but something was missing.




I haven’t been writing or performing hardly at all, and I simply don’t feel fulfilled. I know what my purpose is, and not living it out causes a deep unrest in my soul.


It does for you as well, my friend.


Purpose is a gift, and it’s up to us to unwrap it and use it. God loves us so much that He gave us a unique calling and a beautiful way that we can be a light in this world.


“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever – do not abandon the works of your hands.”

Psalm 138:8 (NIV)


As I dug deep and walked through the emptiness instead of ignoring it, I realized that God had not abandoned me, I had abandoned Him. I need music like I need air to breathe. Once you know what your purpose is, my friend, there’s no getting away from it. I’ve tried, and it left me wanting.


I encourage you to ask yourself the questions I posed above. Talk to a trusted friend about the nudges in your spirit. Approach purpose as what it is, a gift to be opened and used for the glory of God!

Let's all choose to GO BIG UNTIL WE GO HOME!


Hugs and love,




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