The above picture is my dad and I dancing at my wedding.
I grew up in a family that loves to dance. My mom and dad’s first date included dancing, and that tradition continued throughout their marriage. They were blessed with six kids, three boys and three girls. The birth order was boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl. My dad always said that it took a lot of talent to pull that off!
Our Saturday nights together consisted of watching Lawrence Welk, pairing up with our dance partner, and dancing through the house to the lively music! Oh, the memories of the “good old days.”
I learned early on the importance in dance is that someone has to lead and the other has to follow. It is the leader's responsibility to keep the partnership in time with the song that you are dancing to, and based on cues and signals from the one that is leading the dance, the dance partner's job is to follow.
I think life is a dance. Sometimes we need to lead, and other times we need to follow.
When we follow, we choose to honor the one who leads us.
God commands us to honor others.
This isn’t always easy because there are definitely times when we don’t necessarily respect the actions or decisions of others.
I think honor is more about me and my heart than it is about the person I am honoring. With the heart of a servant, I am able to choose to honor every person that I cross paths with, and it shapes everything I say and do.
Most importantly we are called to honor God.
…"Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained."
1 Samuel 2:30 (NIV)
Without complete and genuine honor to God, it will be impossible to honor anyone else. So, this is where it starts. We are called to honor God in what we say, what we do, in our finances, in all things!
God commands us to honor our parents.
"Honor your father and your mother,
so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you."
Exodus 20:12 (NIV)
The command to honor our parents may seem easy to some, while much more challenging for others who were raised in negative or abusive environments. Are all parents deserving of honor? No. Does God still command it? Yes.
This is one of those times when we may find it hard to carry out that command to honor. So, I think we have to check our own heart. We can choose not to think or speak ill of them, no matter what has happened. Forgive them for any offenses, and most importantly, pray for them. We can still honor them, even if we can't be in relationship with them.
God commands us to honor our spouse.
"In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives.
Treat your wife with understanding as you live together."
1 Peter 3:7 (NLT)
God has commanded honor within marriage, not only because it will bless the husband, the wife, their children, grandchildren and everyone else around them, but because marriage is a symbol of Christ and the Church.
When we honor God above all else, our life will be like a beautiful dance. Life will go much smoother if we take our cues, get in rhythm with the music of life, and gracefully follow where He leads us.
My friend, I know from experience that when I try to take over and lead my life, I get off rhythm and I stumble from tripping on my own two feet. I get frustrated and want to give up.
God has been the greatest dance partner in my life. When I choose to honor God by letting Him lead me through this journey of life, the dance is beautiful, smooth, and filled with joy.
I encourage you to Choose to honor God by letting Him lead you on your life journey too.
He will be the best dance partner you’ve ever had.
And it will be a beautiful dance!
With love and joy,