They say time heals all wounds, and I do believe that is true. Time will heal the deep hurt of a journey we have walked. Some examples may be divorce, a health diagnosis, loss of a loved one, etc.
I personally have walked through each of the above journeys and thought through time that I worked through the hurt and that healing had occurred. What I actually learned was that time healed those wounds with a scab. Just enough healing to make it not hurt any more.
Then, the next difficult journey came along, the scab was torn off, the wound opened up and then I was dealing with multiple hurts. Hurts that left me feeling like I was at the end of my rope.
This year, at Choose Ministry, we focused on Choose Hope. We typically think of hope as a feeling that something desirable is likely to happen. A wish or a longing.
The Hebrew word for hope is Tikvah (teek-vah), which has a much deeper meaning. It means to bind together. A cord of hope!
I love that visual! Being bound to Jesus, our cord of hope.
When I relied on time to heal my wounds, I was missing the deep healing that only Jesus could provide. The healing that needed to take place from the inside out.
"It has been said that time heals all wounds. The truth is, time does not heal anything. It merely passes. It is what we do during the passing of time that helps or hinders the healing."
~Jay Marshall
I have currently been in a season of waiting and sometimes that waiting can feel like an all-consuming desert. It can feel dry and weary with no hope in sight.
I have a choice in those times of weariness and anxiety.
I can let the fear and weariness take over, or I can choose to take hold of God’s promises.
God tells us that hope is rooted in the waiting. He also tells us what to do while we wait.
Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD. (Ps. 27:14 NIV)
I can choose hope. Grab hold of Jesus, my cord of hope. Bind myself to Him and take courage.
When I remember to bind myself to Him, I am healed from the inside out!
What scabs do you need to heal by binding yourself to Him?
With love and joy,