I'm not a New Year's resolution kind of girl. Setting goals and resolutions has never been an easy process for me and one that I have always dreaded. I think because they typically ended in failure for me.
Having said that, you may be thinking, that’s your own fault! And you would be right. I choose my destination. For others you may be saying, I agree!
What works for one doesn’t always work for another.
A few years ago, I saw people participating in these one-word challenges and decided to participate. You pick a word that you use as your touch point for the year, a word that you come back to in order to keep yourself in focus and moving forward. It's a tool to help keep yourself centered for the year.
This challenge has changed my life!
Have you ever experienced when looking for a new car, for instance, that you never noticed the type of car you're looking at until you are focused on it, and then that’s all you see?
That’s how this challenge worked for me. Whether I was reading a devotional, the bible, experiencing highs or lows in life, that one word was there, encouraging, teaching, challenging, and comforting me.
My word for 2021 was gracious. How did I come up with that word? Through reading, prayer, and opening my mind and heart, this was the word that kept coming to my mind over and over.
At first, I thought, "I think I’m gracious. Why would this be the word I choose?"
My word in 2020 was yes, so in keeping with my learnings from that year, I said, "Yes, gracious it is!"
Boy did I learn a lot about being gracious.
Ephesians 4:32 was my theme verse for being gracious:
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ has forgiven you.”
I learned that being gracious is stopping to see people’s true hearts and intentions, even when their actions prove otherwise.
I learned to not jump to conclusions and give others space to be themselves and accept them for who they are as they also discover themselves.
I learned to show mercy to people who hurt me.
I learned to be gracious with myself and love who I am, even when I felt unlovable.
I learned to let others help me when I needed it and not feel like I am a burden.
As I move from 2021 to 2022, I want to continue being gracious and choose higher.
My one word for 2022 is HIGHER, with Psalm 121 being my focused verse:
"I lift up my eyes to the mountains -
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth….
The higher step, the higher act, the higher ground, the higher path in every decision.
My life journey with God is an upward journey. Every day I am given choices. Every choice will give me the chance to go lower, to stay the same, or to go higher.
I choose the higher path, even if it’s harder. Take the higher step, and let each of the steps be higher than the day before it.
What about all of you? Have you made resolutions? Are you choosing a word to keep yourself focused?
Tell us how you see the new year shaping you...
With love and joy,