Our theme for this week is choose to be content. And I have to say, it’s no accident that I’m the one writing the blog for this week.
I hate to admit it, but I’ve spent a great deal of my life feeling discontented. Before you label me Debbie Doom, let me give you an example and see if maybe you can relate.
My grandson was home last weekend to celebrate his 1st birthday. It was so wonderful to have him and his parents with us. But as I watched them deal with all the things that come with a 1-year-old, I was reminded of my own journey through parenthood.
I loved being a mom from the start, yet I often found myself wishing for the next stage of my kids’ life. When they were fussy babies and I couldn’t find a way to comfort them, I longed for the day when they could talk and tell me what was wrong.
When they were busy toddlers and I felt like my days were spent chasing them around, I couldn’t wait for the day when they could sit still and read a book.
When they were awkward teenagers and trying to exert their independence, I yearned for the day when they were more mature.
And all of those examples come from a place of discontentment. Discontent with where we are, what we have, how our lives are unfolding around us, our relationships, our finances. You fill in the blank.
As I have been reflecting on this all week, I can see a very clear pattern of how the enemy has used discontentment all throughout my life. It’s come in a variety of different ways, and God is graciously bringing it to light in different facets of my life.
But being the loving, Good Father that He is, He’s also reminding me that He has so much more for me. He does not want me to walk and live in that place of discontent.
I’m reminded of a beautiful quote from Corrie ten Boom:
“If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. If you look within, you’ll be depressed.
If you look at God, you’ll be at rest.”
Corrie ten Boom
Contentment is a choice, and it’s driven by where we are choosing to focus. If we focus our hearts and our minds on what’s going on around us, there’s always going to be something that lures us into a place of feeling restless and dissatisfied.
But God’s Word holds the key to finding true contentment.
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.”
Colossians 3:2-3 (NIV)
If we keep our head in the clouds, metaphorically speaking, and our minds fixed on God’s glory, we can choose to be content…NO MATTER WHAT!
Setting our minds on things above is radically life-changing as we focus on the eternal rather than the temporal. We can either stare at our problems or gaze into His Glory.
I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather have the latter view.
I’ve been walking through some hard things lately, but I can truthfully and honestly say that when I make the decision to keep my eyes on heaven, on God’s glory, and keep my head in the clouds, I feel content.
I’m learning that contentment is a state of mind, it’s not a destination.
You may be waiting for a relationship to change, longing for some shiny new thing, or wishing the long nights of a crying baby would end; but in the midst of that, I invite you to keep your head in the clouds.
Look to God and choose to be content...NO MATTER WHAT!
Hugs and love,