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Jesus is Enough!

Writer's picture: Jill MillerJill Miller

Have you ever had a day where you wanted to scream at the top of your lungs, “Enough is enough!”?

If you’re human, I’m sure you have. It’s those days when the pain feels like a weight we weren’t meant to carry. It’s those seasons of life when disappointment keeps on coming and coming like a train that just won’t end. It’s the deep feelings of loss and despair when people we love have turned against us.

Or maybe we just had to wait one too many times in the slow line at Wal-Mart.

Okay, maybe that’s just my problem!

But here’s a glorious truth that I am learning more and more as I journey through this life, and I pray it helps you as well: Until I realize in the depths of my soul that Jesus is enough for me, no person, no thing, no circumstance, no amount of money will ever be enough.

I don’t have to wait until every pain is resolved, every circumstance is overcome, every relationship is perfect, every bill is paid to say that I have enough.

Jesus is enough.

The love of Jesus helps me say with confidence, even when life around me is hard, “Enough is enough because He is enough!”

And this is not just the Pollyanna Jill trying to avoid my feelings. This is recognizing and receiving the truth that Jesus died my death, bore my pain, and carried all of my hurt with Him to the cross. Jesus lives inside of me, and that truth is enough to get me through whatever is happening in life.

We are all free to claim as our own the comfort found in His Word. As you read this verse, remember these powerful words were written by Paul, a man who spent years in prison for the sake of the Gospel. He truly had nothing by worldly standards, yet he penned these beautiful words:

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Galatians 2:20 (NIV)

Paul reminds us that Jesus lives inside of us. And Jesus knew pain. Jesus knew rejection. Jesus knew loss.

He went through all of that because He loves us so much. He has the kind of love that says, I love you enough to die for you!

I believe with all of my heart that until we as believers know that we know that we know this simple truth, Jesus is enough, we will miss out on so much joy and peace in life. This is a truth that we need to wrestle with until we receive it and claim this truth in the deepest parts of our soul; because, let’s face it, life is hard. It always will be. We live separated from God, so pain and struggle will be with us until we go to meet Jesus face-to-face.

But the Good News is, we don’t have to do life on our own. We were never meant to. God has a much better plan for us.

When we accept God at His Word and believe that when we say yes to Jesus we no longer live but He lives inside of us, when we stand on the truth that we are not alone in the battle but Jesus is walking right beside us, then we have the courage to scream at the top of our lungs, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Enough doubting myself and my worthiness. Jesus is enough!

Enough letting the poison of bitterness destroy my life. Jesus is enough!

Enough letting my circumstances be bigger than my God. Jesus is enough!

Enough chasing after the things of this world. Jesus is enough!

Enough is a powerful word. It’s hard to define in worldly terms because “more” always seems better. We chase after the better job, the bigger house, the nicer car, the dream vacation, only to discover that the thrill of achieving them or experiencing them quickly fades away. Then it’s right back to the grind, and the elusive place of “enough” gets moved just a little farther out of reach.

Can I encourage you, my friend, enough is right here!

Jesus lives inside you, ready to go to battle with you. You already have everything you need.

Jesus is enough!

Love and hugs,


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