This year, God has asked me to focus on letting go. I’ll be honest, it has not been easy!
This highly responsible, empathetic worry wart loves to control what happens!
But as the leaves begin to change and the winds of autumn whisper through the trees, I am reminded that life is full of seasons. Just as the earth must let go of its vibrant greens to make way for the quiet rest of winter, so too must we learn to release the things that no longer serve us.
In this season of letting go, we are called to surrender our grip on the things that hold us back. It's a journey of trust, of releasing our control, and embracing the unknown.
It's a reminder that our lives are not our own but are held in the gentle hands of our Heavenly Father.
There is a quote by Jessica Hatchigan that says, “There's an important difference between giving up and letting go."
Part of seeking out what my purpose is in this season of life, what my goals should be, and how to fulfill what God has put in front of me is to let go.
Let Go of Fear -- When I hold on to fear, I miss out on the beauty of the present moment. I miss the opportunity to trust in God's goodness and His plan for my life. In this season, I am releasing my fears and anxieties, casting them upon the Lord, who is my rock and my refuge.
Let Go of Control -- I often try to control the outcomes of my life; but in doing so, I forget that God is sovereign. He is the Author of my story, and His ways are higher than my own. I release my need for control and, instead, trust in His guidance and wisdom.
Let Go of the Past -- The past can be a heavy burden to carry; but in this season, I release the hurts and the regrets. I choose to forgive those who I feel have wronged me and forgive myself for my own shortcomings. I choose to press on towards the future, knowing that God makes all things new.
Let Go of My Own Strength -- In my weakness, God is strong. When I release my own strength and rely on His, I find a power that is beyond my own. I surrender my self-sufficiency and lean on the Lord, who is my rock and my salvation.
There is a fine line between giving up and letting go. Letting go doesn’t mean I am giving up. I am not giving up on my purpose, I am letting go in order to find my purpose in this season.
I love the phrase: "Blessed is the person who finds out which way God is moving and then gets moving in the same direction."
Friends, as I journey through this season of letting go, I invite you to join me. Join me in finding peace in the surrender. Join me in seeking out which way God is moving in life so we can move in the same direction.
I pray that as we trust in God's goodness and His plan for our lives, we find freedom in the release, knowing that we are not alone, but are held in the loving hands of our Heavenly Father.
For me, I would define the season I am currently in as an “identity crisis.” I finally put it into those two simple words.
I have typically defined who I am and what my purpose is in life through worldly standards. I have defined myself by:
My role as a business professional
My role as a mother
How I look and how athletic I am
How many people like me
The list goes on and on
And then, life changes. I no longer have that job that defined me as a business professional. My kids have grown, have their own lives and families. My body has aged and keeps me from doing what my mind wants to do. Some of my friend’s lives have also changed, which moves them in a different direction.
Life changes! That is the one constant in life: Change.
What matters about this story of mine is that the minute I let go of the worldly standards by which I defined my life purpose and surrendered to God’s purpose for me, my identity crisis has gone away. When I stopped defining myself by worldly standards and looked at how God defines me, I began to feel peace.
In other words, the moment I stop trying so desperately to walk against the tide my life is flowing, I am able to feel peace.
I have found that when I let go of trying to be something I used to be, when I let go of the earthly ideas of who I should be and how I should live, I realize I have everything I really want and need.
I have the time and ability to have fun with my grandchildren. I have the opportunity to spend time with my mother and assist her when she needs my help. I have the ability to travel and see family that live far away. I have authentic relationships that are based on real connections. Most importantly, I have the opportunity to serve others and witness God’s goodness and love.
It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
John O’Leary
There will always be noise, trouble and hard work; but when I remember that above all I AM a child of God sent here to carry out His plan and purpose, I am filled with peace!
Once I let go and let God, I discover that I already have everything I really want and need.
With love and joy,